We got some fun hand-me-down costumes from a good friend...
they are awesome!
I've realized that 4 year-olds
LOVE to pretend play...
making up all sorts of actions, dialogue,
stories, dramas, and
make-believe creations!
I love it!

LOVE to pretend play...
making up all sorts of actions, dialogue,
stories, dramas, and
make-believe creations!

Sometimes I wish I could dress up,
play for hours, act silly,
create imaginary friends,
pretend I am a cowboy,
superhero, Scooby-Doo,
and disney's favorite mouse...
the next time I complain about having mommy-time...
I think I'm going to STOP...
get down on my hands and knees,
throw a cape on,
some cool, silly hat,
and PLAY with my sweet son!
sometimes ya gotta just put your "to-do's" aside...
and be a kid...
They are making memories with their mommy...
And vice versa...
you'll be making memories with your sweet little ones...
they'll be grown before we know it!
So go do it...
get on your costume..
and get playin'!!
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