I had to do a few things around the house today...
the usual for a stay-at-home mommy.
So I had Simon keep busy with
whatever we had in the house...
you know...
toys, coloring, books...
Well, he chose an old box I was throwing away.

He spent almost an hour trying to rip it apart
into small pieces.
Pretty typical for a boy!

He ended up making a
"cymbal" for a make-believe drum.
Pretty good for an hour of pretend play!

he collected rocks for his rock collection.
(Thank you, Lord, for our yard!!!!)

Then he smiled for my constant camera in his face:)

Next, he dipped the rocks in the water to clean them.

Brushed them with a tiny brush he took from
daddy's shaving kit.

Then dipped them again.

All clean!!!

I got to work for about two staright hours...
and he's still going as we speak!
It's funny....
you can buy your kids all the toys and gadgets that you think
they'll play with.
And then they end up having more fun with
that you have around the house!!
Whatever works!?!
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