as most of you are experiencing,
this has been a C-R-A-Z-Y couple of weeks!
From birthday celebrations, to playdates,
to preschool parties, to volunteering,
to Christmas Extravaganzas....
everybody is in the same boat-
the BUSY boat!
But all is good...
Here's a re-cap of Family Fun...
Little Sime celebrated his 5th birthday on Wednesday.
We had a couple buddies over for some
ice cream sundaes
and some Christmas Light touring to the winners
around our beautiful city.
Started with a little prayer for my boy...

Saw some Clark Griswold Christmas Lights

and enjoyed a sweet bithday time with
two great buddies...Thank you for making Simon's birthday so special and memorable!

The next day,
he was blessed by his teacher and Principal...
what a
treasured memory to celebrate with his first
Preschool class (ever)...

His teacher, Mrs. Summers,
has been absolutely remarkable!
Hats off to ALL Preschool Teachers
around the world!
They do
SOOOOO much for our children...
we thank you!

Simon performed in his first Christmas Play EVER...
He was SO excited to be a Wiseman,
with his cousin, Ryan!!
They both did a great job saying their first line (in public)!!
He's come a LONG way since the
days of screeching in public,
to speaking a line in a play.
Good Job, buddy!

just minutes before the big moment!

Thank you to Grammy & Pops for coming
and supporting little Sime!
We love you!

And a few seconds to pose...
Isn't it true....
Moms barely get in any pictures with their kids!?!
They're always behind the camera, aren't they?!

And we ended our week
with 15 beautiful kids from church
at our house...
no damage done...
no spills...
no one hurt...
lots of giggles...
lots of sqealing...
lots of smiles...
LOTS of memories for these little cutie-pies!

Tomorrow is the big day...
The 'Lil Jingles!
They may look tired,
but this was after three practices of their Christmas songs...
Can't wait to hear them on their big day!
Gotta Love
every second of this