Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ultra EASY Felt Flower Tutorial

I have a few cute sweaters that just needed a little
So for the Christmas season,
I made a couple Super SIMPLE felt flowers that
you can make in about 10 minutes for about 50 cents.
First, free cut about 12-15 small circles
(about 2" in diameter).
Then cut ONE bigger circle
(about 3" in diameter).
Take your hot glue gun
and glue a small amount in the middle of
EACH small flower,
pinching it in the middle to adhere the felt together.
The circles should look like the ones shown below.

So you will have every small circle glued in the center,
and the BIG circle as is.
Next, begin to hot glue a small amount around
the edge of the larger circle,
placing each smaller (scrunched) circle down.
You will glue each scrunched circle
along the entire edge of the larger circle.
Then you will continue to glue in the center of the larger circle,
until the entire large circle is filled.
Start on the outer edges and work your way into the center... Once completed, your flower should look like this.
You may have to trim the edge of the flower
so that it is even.
Once you are done with that,
hot glue a pin (that you can buy from Michaels or a craft store).
Then glue a small piece of felt over the pin's base,
leaving the pin on top.
This will secure the felt onto the pin's base.

Then find a plain 'ol sweater and place accordingly...
you choose where you need a little spice.
These pins look great on a
or even to a purse!

Have fun!!!


  1. So cute!! I would love it if you would share this on my new linky party this Friday!!

  2. Oh my, how stinkin' cute!! Thanks for sharing :) DEFINITELY going to make myself some of these!!

    I'm your newest follower, feel free to stop by and follow back:

    - Ashley

  3. Adorable and love your pink and green combo!

  4. I'm always on the lookout for new felt flower tutorials, these are great. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love it! Love the colour too. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Just darling! The pink looks striking against the green sweater.

  7. Thank you so much for your comments, my fellow crafters! I'm glad you liked the felt flower. I will be sure to check out your blogs too. Thank you!!

  8. I love this, I have seen it with sewing, but I prefer this method! I am going to have to try this.
    Great job!

  9. Thanks for sharing. This is just the touch I need on the burlap bag I just finished for my daughter in law.

  10. Eeek! These are so cute! I just now jumping on the felt flower wagon and can't wait to try these. Thanks!

  11. So cute and easy, thanks for posting! I'm a new follower, hope you'll check out my blog! I used some of these flowers in a project I just posted about and linked back to you :) Thanks!

  12. thanks so much for the tutorial... I made one tonight... looks great!!! cyt

  13. This is absolutely, positively ADORABLE and so easy! Thanks so much for posting such a great tutorial!

  14. Lovely :) I shared one of your pics on my own blog :)

  15. I've just started selling eco felt. It's made from recycled plastic bottles, but it's so soft and gorgeous.

    I'm starting a blog giving readers ideas on how to use the felt. YOU'RE MY FIRST POST! Thank you for the fun and unintimidating tutorial.


  16. eu faço trabalhos em feltro e amei suas idéias. parabens. Brasil.

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